Product Information

We deal with catering robots and vending machines that work with the robots.
Please feel free to contact us.

photo:Multifunctional Delivery Robot GOGO

Multifunctional Delivery Robot "GOGO"

Product Features
-Guidance from a reception desk to a customer room
-Deliver a package to your room
-Safety and security through non-face-to-face, non-contact
-Automatically go up and down in an elevator linked with Iot
-IoT linkage with vending machines
-Simultaneous delivery to two locations with two layers (top: 41L, bottom: 30L)
-Can run in a space of 55 cm at a minimum
-Can run even at a 13° slope angle
-Robot exterior can be modified (extra charge)

photo:Multifunctional Delivery Robot GOGO

Product Specifications
-Depth: 490mm
-Length: 420mm
-Height: 975mm
-Weight: 63Kg
-Load capacity: 15Kg
-Battery life: 6-8 hours
-Travel speed: 0.9 to 1.5 m/s

photo:Multifunctional Delivery Robot RUN

Multifunctional Delivery Robot "RUN"

Product Features
-Guidance from a reception desk to a customer room
-Delivery of items to the room
-Safety and security through non-face-to-face, non-contact
-Automatically go up and down in an elevator linked with Iot
-Travels at an angle of up to 7°
-Robot exterior can be modified (extra charge)

Product Specifications
-Depth: 500mm
-Length: 500mm
-Height: 970mm
-Weight: 47Kg
-Load capacity: 10Kg
-Battery life: 6-8 hours
-Travel speed: 0.7 to 1.2 m/s

photo:Intelligent Vending Machine

Intelligent Vending Machine "Yunku"

Product Features
-QR code reading → Smartphone payment
-With refrigeration function
-Product lanes are customizable
-Can also be linked with delivery robots
-Robot delivers products to your room
 €after payment is made from your smartphone
-Exterior can be modified (extra charge)

Product Specifications
-Depth: 845mm
-Length: 835mm
-Height: 1,960mm
-Weight: 225Kg

Sample Case

More than 25,000 units are in operation worldwide.
It is mainly used for hotels, but is also used by hospitals, nursing homes, and various other customers.

◆Reception - Guide to the room

1. reception desk
2. enter your room number
3. guide to the room
4. destination floor setting by robot
5. escort to the front of your room
6. automatically moves to the charging dock

◆Delivery of goods to a room

1. enter room number
2. storage of goods
3. automatic delivery to the room
4. Delivery of goods to a room
5. automatically moves to the charging dock

◆Example of exterior modification

Contact Us

For inquiries, please contact us from below.